#AskTheFangirl: Pit or seats for Backstreet Boys’ show?

by | May 13, 2019 | Ask The Fangirl | 0 comments

I haven’t done a #AskTheFangirl post in a bit, so I decided to take the three questions I had sitting in my email and answer them tonight to keep this updating thing going!

What seats do you prefer for Backstreet Boys concerts? Pit or seats? And why? – Jessica

Honestly, for me personally, it depends on the venue where the concert is. If it’s outside, more than likely I’m going to want a seat because I can’t deal with being in a crowd of people when it’s close to 100 degrees outside.

However, if it’s an inside concert, I don’t mind doing pit. Like in Las Vegas, pit was amazing for the most part. So you can see, it depends on the venue. It really depends on the venue and what kind of person you are. If you can take standing in the heat like that outside, go for it. If you can’t, get a seat.

What DNA shows are you going to be cause I would love to meet you! – Rach

I’d love to meet you! Right now I’m going to Washington DC (the first stop on the tour – and my birthday!) and Atlanta (in August). I may be going to the show in Alabama (Montgomery? Birmingham? I forgot which) in September. Other than that, unless a miracle happens, maybe Nashville or Orlando.

I love your books! Especially “How To Be An Adult Fangirl.” What books do you having coming up or have you been writing more? I know you’ve been busy, but anything coming soon? – Sandra

Thanks Sandra! Right now I have two things – a book with my old fan fiction writing partner Lisa that we are calling “New Love.” Then I have the sequel to “Fangirl” that’s untitled. The book with Lisa is almost complete, but I still have a bit to go on the sequel.

After that, I have a story idea that’s a little different than the things I’ve already published. Unless I get another story idea that tops that one. I do want to finish the sequel, though. It’s something I’ve been slowly working on since last fall. I have, I think, nine chapters written so far.

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