Thoughts: Can the BSB/NSync tour talks go ‘Bye Bye Bye?’

by | Apr 28, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Thoughts | 1 comment

Warning: I’m a hardcore Backstreet Boys fan, but always had a small soft spot for NSync because of JC Chasez. So if you’re an NSync fan, this is my opinion and only my opinion and does not represents anybody else’s but mine and yours if you agree with me.

The whole talk about NSync coming back together to tour with Backstreet Boys needs to stop.


Would I hate if NSync got back together? Not really, because Justin was always my least favorite of the group, so a group led by Mr. Joshua Chasez would be a-mazing. But do I want them to tour with Backstreet Boys?


For one, thing, let’s be realistic here and I’m not shaming anybody because I’m not perfect myself, but could Joey and Chris and maybe even JC, hold out to do an hour and a half show of the type of dancing that NSync was known for? Let’s be real. NSync were great dancers. Vocal harmony was not their strongest suit, so they were the epitome of a boy band. But JC, Joey and Chris are not in the same shape they were back in the day. Lance however has taken the vampire blood that Kevin Richardson and Paul Rudd drinks because he looks amazing.

Two, I don’t want to compete against NSync fans in order to get good tickets.

When NKOTBSB toured together, I LOVED THE IDEA because it was my two favorite boy bands – my first loves and my real loves. But when it came time to buy tickets, it was frustrating because New Kids fans had different meet and greet packages that included front row or first 10 row tickets while Backstreet Boys didn’t. So in a way, Backstreet Boys fans got the shaft during that tour. I know I did for the most part. Spoiled? Yes, I am.

So I do not want to compete with hungry NSync fans because these fans are like NKOTB fans back when New Kids came back on the scene or Jonas Brothers fans today. They are hungry for their boys and I don’t want to fight with that.

Third, ticket prices will skyrocket. People complain about concert ticket prices right now and trust me, I spent more than I wanted to for tickets for the DNA World Tour, but it’s Backstreet Boys. Touring is how artists make money in this day and age since they make almost nothing from album sales unless you’re Adele or Taylor Swift. People already complain about ticket prices and do you know why they are higher now? Cost of living and nobody buys actual CDs or records anymore.

My fourth reason is that if NSync does get back together and more boy bands in the world is a good thing, they should do it on their own. They should not try to ride on the back of the Backstreet Boys like they did at the beginning of their career. They can do a comeback on their own without the Backstreet Boys.

And my fifth and final reason, and while I love JC Chasez with my my whole heart because he was my favorite on the Mickey Mouse Club, NSync getting back together without Justin Timberlake is kind of like the Jacksons getting back together without Michael Jackson. Sure, it’s cool and all, but let’s face it, who is going to say “It’s Gonna Be Maaaaaay?”

I wish the future of NSync all the luck in the world and I’d probably go see them if they came around Atlanta, but I’m not spending $300 on a ticket to see them. While I think it’s awesome that Nick and AJ are so positive about NSync and wanting to do something with them (a song would be kind of cool), but a tour? No No .. Uh Uh. (Sorry, “Not For Me” moment).

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