Review: Baylee Littrell shines during second show in Atlanta

by | Apr 6, 2019 | Backstreet Boys, Concert Reviews, Country Music, Music, Videos | 0 comments

Baylee Littrell is going places!

I’m not even joking. The kid is talented and I’m not just saying that because his father is a member of my all-time favorite musical act in the history of music.

I went just up the road from where I live Thursday evening at the last minute to see Baylee Littrell play in Woodstock, Ga. I was lucky enough to get two table seats from Brian at the last minute and hauled butt from work, through Atlanta Braves traffic, to my apartment to change because I was wearing a Backstreet Boys T-shirt and back up the road to make it to the small venue.

I had planned on seeing his first show down in Atlanta last month, but with my Mom being in the hospital, I didn’t get to go. I almost didn’t go to this one because I was trying to be responsible and work late, but once Brian says come, well, I went and met up with Cat (@backstreetboysmemes).

Baylee came on stage right at 7:30 p.m. (no Backstreet Time with him!) and opened the show with a small little introduction, thanking everybody for coming and how much it meant to him.

He played all new songs, and I may be butchering the titles in the Youtube videos under this post. He only did one cover – Tim McGraw’s “Don’t Take The Girl” with his father and another new song with him also. Besides “Don’t Knock It,” which I fell in love with instantly, I really liked “Grow Up” and one that I think is called “Nobody Tells You.”

But to be honest, all of the new songs were really good, so if this is what his album, which will probably be released in July, sounds like – it’s going to be an amazing album.

I admit it was weird seeing Baylee now, the 16-year-old, when I remember just six years ago, he was the little boy opening for the Backstreet Boys singing “I Want You Back” by the Jackson 5. I’d seen Baylee three times live before (opening up for the boys on the “In A World Like This” tour, but I admit that he has only gotten better with age.

And I feel like that will be the case as he grows out of his teens and into his early 20s.

After the show, Cat and I talked to Brian for a bit and then I got to speak to Baylee quickly before I left. He’s so excited to be able to open for

If you’re lucky enough to have Baylee Littrell come around where you live, go see him. Don’t go see him just because you might see a Backstreet Boy. Go see him because he’s THAT GOOD.

Check out more photos below, along with videos from the show below the photos!

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