At the beginning of February, I went for my official third trip to see the Backstreet Boys in Las Vegas and sadly, my final time.
The trip was organized since my best friend Julia’s 50th birthday took place on February 5th, the day before the first show back for the Backstreet Boys in 2019. It was Julia, myself, Teresa, Mara, Angie and originally Lacy, but she, unfortunately, ended up not being able to go, so Cat, who runs @backstreetboysmemes on Instagram (and another ATL girl), took her spot.
To say this trip was amazing is an understatement.
On Wednesday night, we had table seats – a first for the Vegas veterans (me, Mara and Teresa). Angie, Julia and I had fun in VIP meeting the boys before hand and then met back up with the other girls to head to our seats.
And to be honest, while the table seats were great and worth the money, I was kind like eh. I felt like I’ve had more interaction in pit. Granted any seat anywhere in that venue is amazing, but it was hella fun. A Backstreet Boys show is always a good time. Julia and Kevin got to sing to one another, she got a happy birthday from AJ on stage and Cat got to touch AJ and Howie, which was a first for her.
Overall it was a great concert because when isn’t a Backstreet Boys show great? After the show, we headed back to our room and changed. Cat and I headed back down to the Casino to play around for a bit and low and behold, here comes AJ. He was talking to someone so we just stood by and waited. It was my mission to get Cat to meet AJ on this trip.
And it happened.
And it was perfect.
We talked for AJ for what seemed like forever, but was probably only 20 minutes and we let him go on his merry little way and we hung around, going to a bar to get something to drink and played around before heading back to the room.
The next day we got up, had breakfast and somehow ran into Mr. Dorough, where Cat was able to get a quick photo. We then met up with Jess, a friend of Teresa’s (and now ours!) who showed us around Las Vegas. We ate at In-and-Out, went to the Pawn Star Shop and then to Freemont Street. And it was hella fun! We ended up going back to Planet Hollywood, grabbed some pizza and went back to the room where I got to sign my first two autographs.
Jess had bought my books and I signed them, which was SO weird, but so fun. I had no idea what to write. I was hella flattered. I felt like a Backstreet Boy.
We went back down into the Casino and ran into Howie again and talked for a second and got a photo. It kind of felt like a cruise. Just running into a Backstreet Boy.
I stayed in that night to rest a little since we had pit the next night and Cat went back into the casino and the other girls just lounged since a few of them were starting to get sick. (The weather in Vegas was COLD!).
The next day we got up, had lunch and Cat and I went around shopping to get some things and then got ready to head down and wait for pit. We hung out with my good friend Andie and then Rose from The Dark Side of the Backstreet and the @BSBinVegas Twitter and eventually got in for pit. We ended up with an okay spot, but not the one we originally wanted (but that’s another story).
I ended up leaving with Rose and Andie after “Don’t Go Breaking My Heart” to head to Chateau, which was fun, but crowded because it also had non-BSB fans inside. It was fun though, but a lot different than the other after parties I’ve been to. I ended up getting lucky and getting a photo with Nick before he left, where I found out that he knows he’s going to see me on my birthday.
Color. Me. Ecstatic.
I stayed around Chateau for a bit longer to meet up with a friend and then headed back to the hotel. Cat and I had our flight leaving at 6:45 a.m. to come back to Atlanta (Julia had left on Thursday). So basically, we got no sleep that night.
I slept for an hour on the plane, but that was about it.
It was a great trip with my friends which I needed. I didn’t get to do nearly enough events last year with my friends (really none besides the cruise and then the quick trip to Vegas with Mara). Julia and I usually do several but things were so crazy with work and changing jobs and not a lot was going on.
This year has already started out amazing and is only going to get better.
I’m just happy that Julia had an amazing birthday, that I got to help someone’s dream come true and that I got to see Andie because I don’t get to see her nearly enough.
There’s a part of me that wishes I could go back in April, but I know I can’t. But this summer is just around the corner with two DNA shows (maybe three!) – one with Lisa who is coming over to spend a week with me in Atlanta from England – and we finally get to see a show together from the second row.
It was an amazing end to three Backstreet Boys trips to Las Vegas – something I never imagined that I would get to do once, much less three times.
And I did it with my girls. <3