Personal: A change will do you good

by | Jul 21, 2018 | Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

I know that I usually post more personal things on here and haven’t much in a while, but I wanted to take a quick minute to update my readers, my visitors, my friends who didn’t know, what’s going on with me. 

This coming Tuesday is my last time working at a newspaper, working in the media after over 12 years of working in journalism. At least full-time. It’s been something I’ve been contemplating for a while and the right opportunity came to me and I couldn’t say no.

Will I miss the work? No. Will I miss my co-workers? Absolutely. And they won’t be strangers, either. They’re still my friends.

On Thursday, I start my new career in marketing and the best part is that I will be writing again! It is for a software company and while it’s not two miles away from my apartment like the newspaper is, I will eventually be moving closer. It’s really everything I wanted in a new job – writing, being creative, working in marketing, incentives, out of newspapers and a normal schedule.

That’s one thing that I’ve really been wanting is a normal schedule. I hate coming home late at night and now my schedule changed so I work during the weekend again. If I want to go see a movie at night during the week, I can now. If I want to go to a concert on a Wednesday night, I don’t need to take the day off.

So that is my big news – things have been really changing for me. My mother is in much better health and learning to walk again. I’m healthier now than I have been in a long time. I’m writing again, fictionally, and I’m excited about everything in the future.

And, Julia, Lacy, Mara, Teresa, Angie and I are going to Vegas in February with a VIP table! While hopefully, I’ll see the boys before 2019, good things are coming! “How to be an Adult Fangirl and Not Ruin Your Life” is almost finished and Backstreet Boys are on top of the world right now, so it’s about to get fun around here.

I promise!

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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