Videos: @BackstreetBoys panel with Nick, AJ and Howie at Fanboy Expo in Knoxville

by | Jul 1, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Videos | 0 comments

Three of the Backstreet Boys – Nick Carter, Howie Dorough, and AJ McLean – took part in the latest FanBoy Expo convention in Knoxville over the weekend. While Nick and AJ didn’t make it there Friday due to flight problems, Howie signed autographs and took selfies throughout the day and did the same until the convention closed on Sunday.

Nick and AJ finally arrived late Friday night and stayed all day long Saturday to take photos, selfies, photo ops and of course the panel!

There will be a more detailed blog with photos over the next few days, but for now, check out the videos from the panel. They can be found as of right now on my personal IntaTV account.

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Various videos

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