Weekly Roundup for May 28, 2018: ‘Jane the Virgin’ and health issues, oh my!

by | May 28, 2018 | Personal, Thoughts | 0 comments

The video weekly updates have not started back yet, so instead, we have this again…


So apparently I have to have gallbladder surgery. The problem I had before the cruise, which was thought to be something else, was probably just my gallbladder working on me the entire time.

I woke up in pain last Wednesday night around 3 a.m. and was CRYING in pain, it was so bad. The next day at work, I started hurting again, so bad that I drove myself to the ER where I learned that gallstones showed up in a sonogram last year, but nobody told me.

So tomorrow, I have to call to make an appointment with a surgeon. I am going to try to wait until August when I get vacation and sick days again (mine rolls over on August 4th). I’ve never had surgery before (except dental surgery), so I’m hella nervous. 🙁


So if you keep up with the weather, you know there was a tropical system named Alberto in the Gulf of Mexico next to Florida. Well Mara came up Friday night  because she had tickets to see “Hamilton” as did Julia, so Saturday I drove Mara down to the Fox Theatre in Atlanta for the play and hung out around Atlanta while they were in there. Afterwards, we were going to go hang out and have dinner.

Then Alberto happened and I had to drive Mara right back to her hotel so she could head back down south because the storms would be on her way home the next day. So BFF dinner was canceled. Damn weather!


If you watch “Jane the Virgin” and haven’t watched the season finale, then look away now.

Don’t read any further.



So I was way behind and caught up this weekend while relaxing like the doctors told me to do and well, to say the least, I was shocked as hell at the end of it when Raphael shows Jane inside his apartment and there stood Michael. Like how is this possible? He DIED. He DIED.

So basically now I’m rewatching “Jane the Virgin” so that I can see if there’s anything I missed before.

I mean, where has he been the past three years?

Next season, Season 5, will be the last season. Apparently, the show was always meant to be 5 seasons long, so I can’t wait to find out how they are going to explain this whole Michael thing.


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