Thoughts: Get ready @BackstreetBoys fans … the next chapter is about to begin

by | May 13, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

On May 17, our world as Backstreet Boys fans is going to change forever.

The boys will be releasing a new song to radio, one that radio is excited about, and a new music video and our lives as Backstreet Boys fans will never be the same. Why is that? Because they are on a brink of the next great chapter of their lives.

For the first time in years, radio and program directors are excited about the group and about the music they are making. It has nothing to do with nostalgia or “I Want It That Way.” It has to do with the fact that they are the best-selling act in Las Vegas residency history.

They’ve beat Elvis and he is the King of Rock ‘N’ Roll.

While on the cruise, you could sense a change coming and a good change at that. I have never, ever seen the guys as excited about new music as they are about this and they haven’t even worked with Max Martin yet (they are they said, don’t worry).

So come Thursday, you’ll always remember where you were when you heard the new Backstreet Boys song because it’s OUR next chapter of being Backstreet Boys fan.

As Taylor Swift asks, are you ready for it?

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