Day 6 of #BSB25: Remembering the “Black & Blue” tour

by | Apr 6, 2018 | #BSB25, Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Videos | 0 comments

While “Into The Millennium” tour may be the Backstreet Boys’ biggest tour and possibly the most well-known, fans can’t deny that the “Black & Blue” tour, while riddled with drama, was one of the best.

With a stage setup that let the guys get closer to the crowds (remember those side ramps?!) and that bridge that went over the crowd, along with the smaller stage, it was different than all the rest.

While the tour was put on hold due to AJ going into rehab and the death of one of their crew guys (Daniel Lee) in the 9/11 terrorist attack, the tour had many bright spots from a CBS special and even a Yahoo Webcast.

Check out videos of the tour below and remember how great it was.

What was your favorite part of the tour?


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