Video: Former ‘Idol’ @JoshGracin covers @BackstreetBoys, @NSync

by | Mar 12, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Videos | 0 comments

The second season of “American Idol” will always be one of my favorites because it led me to the greatness that is Josh Gracin.

I remember when he auditioned with a Rascal Flatts song. Since he was voted off the show, in fifth place, I think, he’s had a great country music career, but suddenly he’s been posting boy band songs on Facebook.

Which shouldn’t be a shock to anybody. Josh performed a ‘N Sync song on “American Idol” and showed up at a Backstreet Boys show in Vegas last year.

Anyway, check out the videos below of Josh performing “Drowning” and “This I Promise You.”

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