News/Thoughts: @BackstreetBoys postpone new single and you know, that’s okay

by | Mar 1, 2018 | #BSB25, Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, News, Opinion, Pop Music, Thoughts | 2 comments

[AdSense-A]Backstreet Time has struck again! 

The Backstreet Boys have delayed the release of a new single and will not perform on the iHeart Awards on March 11. Rumors circulated over the weekend and the group confirmed today (March 1) that the rumors were true.

Via their stories on Instagram, the boys said, “Backstreet Time strikes again!!! We are pushing back our plans for a new single just a little bit longer because we want to take our time and do this right. Sadly that means we won’t be performing at iHeart.”

I know the first thought that comes to everybody’s mind is “Ugh, what?!?” but let’s be real here. Do we really want them to rush this? Do we want to end up with another “It’s True,” a single that was released through Burger King promotions just to satisfy the hunger for something new?

They know they have the best fans in the world and we will love just about anything they put out, but they are also trying to reach more people with this new music. They have the support of a label again and they want to do this right. Can you fault them for that?” I don’t. I don’t care if it takes them another six months because I want them to put out something that will knock the world off their feet.

This is going to be worth the wait guys. Perfection doesn’t come with one recording session.

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