News: Pow! The fourth and final #BSBCruise2018 theme is …

by | Feb 16, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Cruise, News | 0 comments

The fourth and final Backstreet Boys 2018 Cruise theme was announced on Thursday and it went over pretty well. Besides, it’s one that fans and Nick Carter himself wanted to happen.

The BSB cruise is going con! What’s that mean? It means a lot of things.

Comic Conventions can mean you dress up really as anything – superheroes, cartoon characters, etc. People go to conventions dressed as people from “Star Wars” to any of the Disney movies to the Marvel movies and even just weird ass costumes like a llama.

So don’t just think superheroes because if you want to go that route, you can be the villain or a side character like Lois Lane in “Superman.”

Still need some ideas? Check out the videos below!

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