#BSBCruise2018 packing list: Are you ready to climb on board with the @BackstreetBoys?

by | Feb 10, 2018 | Cruise, Featured, Top Lists | 0 comments

You’ve booked your flight to Miami (or Ft. Lauderdale) and your cruise is paid off through Rose Tours. The next step is to pack and get on the Carnival Sensation.

[AdSense-A] There are certain things that you need to remember to pack before leaving your town and getting on that big bird in the sky. On my first BSB cruise in 2011, I heavily overpacked. I tend to do that a lot, but I also found out I didn’t think a lot of things through, so each year, I now make a list. This is what most of my list will look like.

So I present to you a list of things you may need to have packed for the Backstreet Boys cruise.

  • Casual Wear – You’ll need outfits for all four days of the cruise, plus the day home (and any other days you will be in Miami). You’re not going to want to walk around the boat in eight-inch heels, so bring some sneakers or sandals or even flip flops. You’re on a cruise!
  • Themed Outfits – Some have brought their themed outfits in a separate suitcase than their normal clothes, but you will need outfits for all four themed nights (’90s night, Backstreet High, Millennium and [Insert the last theme here])
  • Photo Outfit – Unless you are going to wear one of your themed outfits (it’s been done) or just a top and shorts (your casual wear), bring something nice for the photo. The past few years, the boys have been wearing sailor or captain outfits, which makes for a very nice photo.
  • Pajamas – You never know, you might get a little sleep.
  • Formal Wear – This is only if you decide to go into the captain’s dinner in the dining hall to eat. Wear something dressy.
  • Swimsuit / Cover up – There are pools on the ship and we are also going to a beach, so if you’re not self-conscious like I am, get your swimming suit groove on.
  • Health Stuff – Bring some sunscreen, especially if you burn easily in the sun. Bring some Tylenol or aspirin or whatever you may need. The cruise is tiring so some 5 Hour Energy shots might be good, too.
  • [AdSense-A] Beauty – Bring your flat irons, curling irons, blow dryer, make-up or whatever it is that makes you feel pretty. You’re on a boat with the Backstreet Boys. I would never want to see Nick without any makeup on now.
  • Perfume / Deodorant – It’s gonna be hot, sweaty and packed, so please wear something to smell good.
  • Electrical Outlets – There are only so many outlets in each cabin, so bringing something so that you can plug in more stuff at once.
    • From Carnival’s Website:
      • There is one electric outlet in each stateroom located in the area of the desk/vanity.
      • The outlet is equipped with a 3-prong 110 volt (North America Grounded) and a 220 volt (Europe German-Style).
      • The outlet in the bathroom can only be used for electric razors.
      • Power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors and extension cords (without surge protectors) are allowed on board when used with proper caution.
      • However, if such devices are determined to pose a hazard, they will be removed and returned the last day of the cruise prior to debark.
  • Batteries: Bring lots of batteries if you have a camera because you don’t want to run out. Also possibly bring a power bank for your cell phone so that you can stay charged when you’re not in your room.
  • Documents: Your passport is one of the most important things! Make sure you have your passport with you when you leave for your trip. Make sure you have all your travel information, printouts, luggage tags from Carnival, etc. Make sure you have all of your Rose Tours information!
  • Drinks: While Carnival has various drinking specials from Endless Bubbles (soda) to alcoholic drinking specials each day, bringing some things on are prohibited.  From the Carnival Cruise website:
    • Guests are prohibited from bringing water, sodas and other non-alcoholic beverages onboard that are packaged in bottles.
    • A small quantity of non-alcoholic beverages (i.e., sparkling water, sodas, juice, and milk) packaged in cans or cartons may be brought onboard on embarkation day and must be in the guest’s carry-on luggage. A small quantity is considered a maximum of 12 sealed, unopened cans/cartons of 12 ounces each or less per person.
    • Guests are prohibited from bringing alcoholic beverages on board with the following exception – At the beginning of the cruise during embarkation day only, guests (21 years of age and older) may bring one 750 ml bottle of sealed/unopened wine or champagne per person in their carry-on luggage.
  • [AdSense-A] Decorations: While we will get more into door decorations in another post, if you want to decorate your door, make sure you don’t forget things such as double-sided tape and your decorations!
  • Wallet / Purse / Laynard – You are going to need a place to put your sail away card because you need that on you ALL.THE.TIME.
  • Air Freshener – You are going to be in a small bathroom in your room, sharing it with possibly two to four people. Stay fresh, ya’ll!

There will be tons of more cruise posts coming up before the cruise. Also be sure to check out all of our cruise posts here.

If you have a question about the cruise, Ask the Fangirl!

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