News: Second #BSBCruise2018 theme announced and what’s the difference between it and Theme 1?

by | Jan 25, 2018 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Cruise, Featured, News | 0 comments

The second cruise theme for the 2018 Backstreet Boys cruise has been announced for #CruiseThemeThursday and we are like, totally digging it!

We’ve had ’80s and ’70s themes on the cruise, but now we are partying like it’s 1993 with a ’90s theme!

[AdSense-A] Now first off, don’t get this confused with the first theme where we are going back to high school. While a lot of us did go to high school in the 1990’s (Class of ’98 heeey!), this is NOT two ’90s themes.

First off, the high school theme is taking it back to high school with the cliques – jocks, athletes, nerds, theatre dorks, cheerleaders, popular kids, etc. Think back to “The Breakfast Club” – the jock, the outsider, the princess, the freak and the nerd.

Secondly, the ’90s theme is taking back to possibly one of the greatest decades that gave us “Saved By The Bell,” “Clueless,” the Spice Girls and most importantly – the Backstreet Boys!

You do not have to dress like you did in the ’90s unless you want to.

Think about ALL of the awesome things from the ’90s that you can dress up as from everything music related, movies or television related, sports, news, literature – everything!

Also Kimberly talked a lot about the differences tonight in her vlog! Check out the video below!

Check out this post on Popsugar for 100+ ’90s theme costume ideas!

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