Your top @BackstreetBoys moments of 2017

by | Dec 28, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Year in Review | 0 comments

As we said before, 2017 was an amazing year and we wanted to hear from you guys what your favorite moments of 2017 in the BSB fandom was.

Below are your answers. Want to share yours also? Comment below!

Jhie | @Jhie0730

My fave BSB moment of 2017 is the Jingle Ball Concert here in Toronto. It meant seeing the Boys before the year ends, since I haven’t been to the Vegas show. Also, sharing it with a friend, who is seeing the Boys live for the first time, is so much fun. Singing every song with her and dancing in our seats was the best.


A lot of fans are probably using this a lot but i am to cause this was my best 2017 moment. I chose my Vegas trip and concert from 6-21-17! I had saved for 7 months just to be able to go to spend a couple days with my best friend there.

The first night my bestie got her first tattoo so then we couldn’t swim which totally was not cool. We went all over the place looking at everything cause I have never been to Vegas. I wass like a kid in a candy store. It was 120 degrees the entire time we were there. Anyway fast forward to the concert. It was amazing.

The songs were awesome the show was great. We had good seats except being so short sucked cause the guy in front of us was like 6 foot something. I screamed and jumped just to see if a backstreet boys would see me no such luck. Then a usher lady real nice told us we should probably turn around and omg I freaked like a little girl.

There was a platform like maybe 7 feet away from us and a. J. Wad there it was so awesome that’s the closest I have been so far to a member of the group. Made me wanna met them here sometime in the future. I just could nt believe how handsome he was in person yes I knew he is handsome but oh my gosh seeing him that close was awesome.

My best friend lovedd that cause he is her favorite. Saad part was a little after the concert was over. It seemed like it was 5 miknutes probably becausee I haven’t been to a concert in forever. Bhjt it made my 2017 fantastic! I can’t wait for more music and more tours from them. Bsb fan for life!

Noora | @Noora_S

My favorite BSB moment from 2017 is definitely getting to go to Vegas. Got to see my boys after 4 years of seeing them last. The show was incredible. They really outdid themselves. What made that trip even better was that I got to meet my fellow Kgirls Andie and Allison. Never would’ve been there if it wasn’t for them!

Mandy | @MandyC1027

Oh my God where do I even start!? 2017 was the best year for me to be a Backstreet Boys fan! I got to see them not once, not twice not even three times but FOUR I repeat FOUR times this year. That’s an all time high for me the most I had seen them before in one year was twice. I was so thankful my hubby agreed to go to Vegas with me back in March when they first started their residency.

I had only planned one night to see them because my husband and I LOVE Las Vegas and had planned several other things to do. Well to my delight we got stuck in Vegas because there was a huge snowstorm back in CT and we couldn’t get home! Since we were gonna be in town for three more days I decided to see another show. I tweeted Nick about the ordeal not expecting anything and he replied to me!!! This was the first reply I had ever gotten from him so I was STOKED.

I got to see another show and was completely satisfied with getting to see them TWICE in Vegas and was content with maybe not seeing them until next year again. Well that changed. Found out they were going to be at KTUphoria on Long Island again and this time they were headlining! Long Island is only an hour and a half away from me in CT so I had to go again (got to see them there in 2016 as well!). To my surprise I got the same exact seats as last year which were EXCELLENT. They were in the 5th row but the way the seats were arranged there was nobody in front of us so I got to stand right at the stage.

And for the first time since I’ve been a fan and after all the shows I’ve been to Brian and Kevin saw me and sang to me!!! I was beside myself! After that show I was so happy and again was completely content with not seeing them again until 2018 (even though I knew I’d have withdrawals as usual lol). Well it didn’t end here.

[AdSense-A] Found out they were actually COMING to CT for a Christmas show at Mohegan Sun two days after my birthday! I would be a fool to pass that up! I tried getting tickets the day they went on sale and all the tickets available were up high! Since being in the pit twice in Vegas and front row in NY I sort of became a seat snob and said oh no this won’t do. So I kept trying and finally found resale tickets for 6th row on the floor (getting floor seats at a casino are next to impossible unless you are a high roller or know someone who is)! Yes I paid a little extra money but it was totally worth it. Had an amazing time with my friend Marie who is also a huge fan but couldn’t make it with me to Vegas or NY.

Being able to go to a show with a fellow fan is nothing short of amazing. We had a blast of course and she is a huge AJ fan and we almost died when he stood on the seat directly in front of us to sing! When I got back I posted a photo on Instagram (mrscohn48) of the boys saying how much I love them and how amazing they were as usual. Nick liked my photo (If you couldn’t tell before I’m a Nick girl haha). That just put the cherry on top to my 2017. I am very much looking forward to 2018 and (hopefully) a new album and 25th Anniversary tour! 2017 was unbelievable but bring on 2018 and oh KTBSPA!!!!!

Carmen | @BridgesCarmenG

2017 December 7, 2017 – @backstreetboys, @nickcarter @kevinrichardson @howied @brian_littrell @skulleeroz and I had moments from my upper level seat behind the stage!!!!!! I danced myself off, waved my hand off, and screamed and sang my head off.

Karen | @perpetualdreamr

I think the top BSB moment of 2017 for me was definitely their Las Vegas Residency. There seems to be a resurgence in popularity for them and they’re on everything again, which is awesome to see as a fan for 20+ years!

Tina | @teenie36214

Vegas was the highlight for me this year. I attended the March 17th show. It was during that show when AJ announced that Rochelle was due to give birth in 48 hours. To my surprise it was the show the next day that the boys brought Lance up on stage. I missed it by one day! Nevertheless I had a blast and was super happy that I got to hear Undone and Get Another Boyfriend live for the first time!

Lor | @dollbsbunnybabe

I could not catch any of the BSB live shows but got to live through the eyes of BSB fandom with videos and stuff. My favorite is when the Backstreet Boys had a live performance with Florida Georgia Line singing H.O.L.Y. Oddly enough, it was only after that when I finally had a light bulb moment what the acronym stands for. Duffus! But I love it because hearing Nick singing it especially with my favorite lyrics on the song had given it a new meaning, adding much beauty to the song that it already is.

Autumn |  @FactoryDefect94

Best 2017 BSB moment is the moment that I rediscovered my love for them. It started with a video from one of their performances with FGL. Spiraled from there into a fullblown obsession. I love my boys!


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