Music Monday: She’s an actress, but @TheMandyMoore is a hell of a singer

by | Nov 20, 2017 | Music, Music Monday, Pop Music, Videos | 0 comments

I’ve written about it before (see: Thoughts: Finally Mandy Moore is getting her due), but I have been a fan of Mandy Moore since she first came out with her debut single “Candy.” 

Today, she’s known more for her acting, especially on “This Is Us,” which is probably the best new show to come on television since “Scandal.” I’m not going to lie, I wasn’t sure I was going to like it by the previews before the first single, but since Mandy was in it, I gave it a shot. Plus, Milo was in it, too. [AdSense-A]

And I loved it. I still love it.

But, each week I see her play Rebecca Pearson, I long for the days of when she was known more for her singing. Her voice is angelic. The way she ends notes and her voice fades away, it’s one of my favorite female voices. I hope that while on break from “This Is Us” at some point, she’ll release some new music. I have everything she’s released and need something new.

But, this is a Music Monday post. Let’s get to my favorite five music videos by Miss Mandy Moore.

1. “Cry”

2. “I Could Break Your Heart Any Day of the Week”


3. “Crush”


4. “Have A Little Faith In Me”



5. “I Wanna Be With You”


BONUS: “Only Hope”

(It’s not a music video, but oh well lol)


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