Review: I watched ‘Stranger Things 2’ in one sitting and lived my best life

by | Nov 5, 2017 | Review, Television | 0 comments

I’m a week late, I know, but with Walker Stalker Atlanta, my friends in town and work, I just didn’t get to it until Saturday afternoon.

And from about Saturday afternoon around 5:30 until about 1:30 a.m. (after time went back an hour), I watched “Stranger Things 2” from Episode 1 to 9.

And it was … fabulous. Warning now – spoilers ahead.


The show gave us more background on Eleven (or Jane) and how she came to be at the lab. It introduced us to new characters with Mad Max and that weird Rob Lowe-wanna be step-brother of hers who I’d love to punch in the fact.

Dustin came out of the shadows of Mike and became his own. His cussing cracked me and honestly, reminded me of myself. If I had to be one person on this show, it’d be Dustin. He’s like a little male version of me.

[AdSense-A]And Lucas became a ladies man, winning the heart of Max.

Let’s not even talk about Will and his mom. And Sean Astin?! SEAN ASTIN!

So many things can be said about Sean Astin on this. First off, he’s amazing. He comes in and saves the day, makes people, makes me happy, and then… Hopper gives him a gun.

Giving Sean Astin’s character a gun in “Stranger Things 2” is like giving One-Eyed Willie a gun in “The Goonies.” Bob was not ready for that kind of action because not only did he leave the gun behind, but why the hell don’t you just run for the door when you see it, son? There’s no time for cheering. THERE IS NO TIME FOR CHEERING!


And Hopper and Seven, I mean, how great is that? They’re a lot alike – they’re missing someone special. He’s missing his daughter Sarah, she’s missing her mother Terry or a family in general.

Basically, I just need Season 3 now.


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