“Oh my God, I’m back again …” A day with @NickCarter and @BackstreetBoys fangirls at Walker Stalker Atlanta

by | Oct 30, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Concert Reviews, Exclusives, Slideshow | 1 comment

If you weren’t at Walker Stalker this past weekend in Atlanta, then you seriously missed out.

And by the size of Nick Carter’s autograph and photo lines, there weren’t many fans that did miss out. Fans came from all over – Kentucky, New York, New Jersey, California, Canada, hell, even Italy (heeeey boo!). The line on Nick’s booth were always long, longer than the actual zig zag barriers that they had set up.

To say the least, Mr. Carter was more popular than Walker Stalker expected. I mean, really, they should have known.

Each time I went through, Nick always cracked up because I just kept coming back. The first time he made a sweet video for my Mom after asking how I had been doing and then asked about her.

My future tattoo

Nick was so accommodating to fans, whether it was filming videos for friends that couldn’t make it, to recording voice mail messages for phones (lookin’ at you Mara and Julia) or trying not to screw up a tattoo.

I’ve decided to get “My Confession” tattooed and I asked Nick to write it out on the back of my autographed photo. When I told him what I wanted, he smiled as if he knew how important those words were to me. Not only is it my favorite solo song of his, but it was the name of my old site (the URL leads to the fan fiction housed here on this site). The site made me fall in love with writing, which between that and him, lead me to my career as a journalist. Plus, “I’m here with my confession,” is my favorite line from a Backstreet Boys song. It’s where I got the name of my old site, before his song came out.

So at some point soon, I’m going to get that tattoo.

Not once during the entire day did I see Nick look tired of talking with fans. Hell, each time I went up there, we talked about something different … even to me telling me how I became a fan almost 20 years ago, which caused him to laugh.

Yes, I told him about the Grad Nite “am I sexual?” thing. He cracked up, hugging me yet again.

One of the highlights of the day though was at the end of his time at Walker Stalker, Carrie and I had pretty much organized a group photo with a bunch of Nick fans who had been at his booth. We had pretty much stuck around there all day talking to people so most people knew about it. So his convention manager had Nick come to do a quick photo with a bunch of us and took the photos with my camera.

Seeing and meeting fans that I had only talked to online this weekend was really one of my most favorite parts. I needed this weekend like nothing else and being with my best friends, being with some new close friends and all the new friends that I’ve only talked to on Twitter .. putting faces to Twitter names, it was just… amazing.

Nick Carter, thank you for coming to Atlanta. Thank you for not even looking at my post-it with my name and knowing how to spell it without me even saying anything. Thank you for understanding my fangirling about Ethan Embry being next to your booth. Thank you for introducing me to the best friends a girl could ever have. Thank you for being you.

Thank you for everything.

P.S. If you got a picture with me at Walker Stalker, tweet it to me @Princess_Karah <3<3

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