Review: “Outlander” – Season 3, Episode 6 – “A. Malcolm”

by | Oct 22, 2017 | Review, Television | 0 comments

Starting the episode off with an unknown woman dressing Jamie was a bit brave I think. But alas, it shows Jamie walking down the road, then heading to his press shop where he runs into some of his people that work for him and it shows him using the press, which to me, as a newspaper journalist, makes me a bit giddy.

But then Claire shows up and he passes out and of COURSE it shows the credits when that happens.

But the look on Jamie’s face when Claire hands him the photos, he’s taken aback. And then he pulls out the glasses, he looks embarrassed to put them on in front of her and it’s so cute.

And Claire tells him about her hair and the gray to make him feel better.

But when he starts to look at the photos, his curiosity is so cute. He’s wanting to know what her first words were and then he freaks out over her bikini. It’s so funny because she’s sitting there with a boy.

It shocked me when he told her about Willie. I’ve been listening to the book, and I don’t think he told her. But I loved Claire’s response to it.

It also cracks me up that Claire tells Jamie about Prince Charles Edward Stewart considering my ancestor is the one that dressed him as a girl and helped him escape.

But forget that…. FERGUS!


And then Fergus gets down right shady.. “What about….” Has to be about youknowho.

And Mr. Willoughby. That is not how I had him envisioned in my head. I expected him to be a little younger and a little shorter and fatter, but that’s what I mentioned in my head.

This is the first time I’ve heard/red something before watching it on the show so it’s a bit different for me. I’ve always just bed show only until two weeks ago when I just HAD to know what happens next and got the audio book.

Oh but back to the whore house, that lady that was dressing Jamie at the beginning of the episode did NOT like that he had a wife. She almost seemed a little hurt. And Claire seems totally WTF’d about the fact that he has a room at a brothel and I can’t say that I blame her. I was, also.

And to be honest, the rest of the episode is pretty much just sex. And granted, everybody loves that. Let’s be real, but it’s all sex. There’s talking of course, but there’s sex. Several times.

Then again if you haven’t seen someone in 20 years, I guess you’d want to have it a lot, right?

Although, I did enjoy the conversation they had after Jamie got out of bed and Claire laid there as he talked. He just wouldn’t tell her what he did for a living, besides being a printer.

More sex. More sex. More sex.

YOUNG IAN! He looks exactly like I pictured in my head. Except more smiley. But he actually looks like a mixture of Jenny and Ian.

But Claire goes and eats and some strange dude is in Jamie’s room.


This was a really damn good episode. I don’t feel like it lived up to my expectations though. Maybe it’s because I’ve been listening to the book. Maybe it’s because I could really do without all the sex scenes. But I wish there had been more discussions and talking about everything that had happened in the last 20 years.

I know there’s plenty of time for that, but hey, a TV show only lasts so many episodes.

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