Thoughts: Don’t let fear keep you from #BSBVegas

by | Oct 2, 2017 | Music, Thoughts | 0 comments

Unless you live under a rock, everybody has heard about the tragic events that took place Sunday night in Las Vegas at a country festival on the Vegas strip.

It shook me to my core – a country music festival with artists that I’ve interviewed and I’m a fan of – not to mention the 22,000+ people in the audience. As of my writing this, 59 people are dead and over 500 injured.

Las Vegas has become a major part of the Backstreet Boys fandom this year. Heck, even Nick moved there, along with AJ’s parents.

Throughout Twitter, Facebook and other social media, we’ve seen people discussing how they may back out of going to see Backstreet Boys in Vegas starting next month and again in February.

Our advice? Don’t. We can not let fear win. That’s what people want us to do. Concerts are a lot of our happy places. If they take away the one place where we can act like a 14-year-old and be happy with our friends, dancing and screaming our lungs out at our favorite musical artists, where does that leave us?

Sara over at What Happens on the Backstreet said it all best this morning in a post she did about the events in Las Vegas and fans thinking about backing out of #BSBVegas.  Check out her post —> “If You’re Thinking About Backing Out of #BSBVegas Don’t” She also has links on how you can help out, even if you’re nowhere near Las Vegas.

Remember, backing out of things that make you happy because of an incident is only letting the bad guys win.


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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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