10 things you probably don’t know, or care to know, about me

by | Sep 18, 2017 | Confessions, Personal, Rambling | 0 comments

I know sometimes I write personal posts on here, but it’s just to talk about what’s going on in my life. I saw this idea on another blog and thought it would be interesting to do. 

So here are 10 things you may not know about me.

  1. The first celebrity I met was the guy that played Enos on “The Dukes of Hazzard.” He’s from my hometown and I was 2-years-old. I started meeting celebrities at an early age apparently.

  2. One of my most prized Backstreet Boys possessions is a framed autograph version of Nick Carter’s “I Got You” European single. I got him to sign it in 2003 on his “Now or Never” tour in Orlando. I also have his “I’m Taking Off” autographed and framed, too.

  3. I literally met my best friends because of Backstreet Boys. I met Julia at the Atlanta NKOTBSB show (we talked online before). I met Mara on the fan club and then at the Orlando NKOTBSB show in person, even though we found out we had been to a lot of the same concerts. I met Lacy at the Nick and Knight show and we became good friends after she was Soldier of the Month on the Backstreet Boys fan club. I met Hannah online through the Backstreet Boys fan fiction fandom and we met in person for the first time on the 2011 cruise. I met Jen for the first time on the “This Is Us” tour and knew each other online before that.

  4. I keep a journal of ideas for this site, things to write about, top lists, etc. Sounds crazy, I know, but sometimes my memory is crap.

  5. My major in college is video production, even though I do nothing with it now except make videos for fun.

  6. When I was a kid, I wanted to be three things – a fashion designer who made wedding dresses, a country singer like Reba or one of those people who stand in the eye of the hurricane on The Weather Channel.

  7. My favorite kind of chips is barbecue chips.  I don’t care much for the Lay’s kind, but I like this smaller brand named Tom’s that has mystique barbecue chips.

  8. I have seen every episode of “Friends” at least 20 or 30 times each. I was obsessed with the show. I’m still obsessed with the show. I had the “Rachel” haircut in high school. I still have two original “Friends” t-shirts from the first line of merchandise they had.

  9. My favorite author is Jane Austen. I’m obsessed with her books, but I also love William Shakespeare’s sonnets. Although, my favorite book is “Gone With The Wind” by Margaret Mitchell.

  10. Lady Gaga has come out and shared that she has a disease called fibromyalgia. Well, she’s not alone – so do I. I’ve mentioned it sometimes in personal posts, but never went into detail. I was diagnosed in 2015 and I’ve been dealing with it for over two years now. Sometimes I hurt so bad that it hurts my move my arms. Sometimes when I sit at the computer at work and I stand up, I can barely move. I have to move slowly. I’ve only had two really bad days where I can’t move at all and it’s rare, but I’m thankful that Gaga has come forward so people will understand that it’s not just being lazy. I’m glad people can see this is a real problem now.

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