#ProjectKevyKev is underway! Send Kevin Richardson a happy birthday message!

by | Sep 17, 2017 | Project | 0 comments

The final birthday video of the year for the Backstreet Boys official site is here and belongs to none other than KEVIN SCOTT RICHARDSON.

With everything going on in my life with my mom the past few weeks, I realized we are just a few weeks from October 3! I almost forgot about Kevin! Don’t tell him! So since it’s a very short notice, I’m going ahead and posting on my site here to get the word out!

The video is going to be just like the others that we did:

ANNIVERSARY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q42MXnwgGlU&t=21s
BRIAN’S BIRTHDAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWR6g8W4SGY
NICK’S BIRTHDAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEiHGpai7dg
AJ’S BIRTHDAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBDrdCDO4wQ
HOWIE’S BIRTHDAY VIDEO: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1h8ar2tnR2U

NOTE: We are mostly looking for videos, whether you film them on a digital camera, a cell phone, or computer. Notes can get wordy and sometimes do not flow as well in the video.


VIDEO: Film yourself on your cell phone, computer, iPad, tablet, digital camera, etc. The video can be up to 35 to 40 seconds long.
– Please send a raw video. Do not edit a video together on your phone using photos, etc.
– Along with a video, you can also send up to TWO (2) photos.

AUDIO: If you’re camera shy, you can also record audio and send the mp3 of it along with a few photos. If not, I can work with the audio and do something creative 

NOTE: If you insist on writing a note and you are more comfortable with that, please keep it to 100 words. All notes are subject to be edited for grammar, etc., space and time in the video. You can also send up to THREE (3) photos with a small note.

PHOTOS: If you’d just like to send in a photo with Howie to be a part of the video, or a photo with you in BSB gear, etc., email that in with your Twitter handle, name and location 🙂

When you have all your stuff together, email it to [email protected]. If you are having problems with the videos sending, tweet me at @Princess_Karah and I’ll try to help you.

Because of my busy week schedules, I probably won’t respond to emails to let you know yours was received until the weekend.

DEADLINE: SATURDAY, SEPT. 30 at 4 p.m. EST (NYC time)

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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