DrOughtlander? I don’t think so! ‘Outlander’ is back!

by | Sep 8, 2017 | Television | 0 comments

If you haven’t watched “Outlander” on STARZ then you are missing out big time. The show is based on a World War II nurse who ended up going back two hundred years in Scotland during the height of the Jacobites.

Seriously, the show is amazing. Take a look at the trailer for season one.

I’ve fallen so in love with the series, especially since I found out that some of my ancestors were involved in all of the things that are in the show. They are even mentioned some in the season, Clan MacDonald/Clan Donald, and in one of the books, one of my second cousins (eight times removed) has a chapter dedicated to her.

So seriously, if you’re not watching, what are you waiting for? Because… yeah…

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