Music Monday: A south Georgia girl like me, meet @Cyndi_Thomson

by | Sep 4, 2017 | Country Music, Music, Music Monday, Videos | 0 comments

If you read any of my old fan fiction back in the day, you probably have heard of Cyndi Thomson – singer, songwriter, all around amazing wife and mother. 

Cyndi, from a small South Georgia town like myself, hit the music scene in 2001 with her first single, “What I Really Meant To Say.” She broke a Billboard record, the first female to have her debut single go to number one since Trisha Yearwood’s “She’s In Love With The Boy.

Her second single, my favorite, “I Always Liked That Best,” is sultry and southern and her voice is so amazing on it.

Her third single, “I’m Gone,” was her first release as an uptempo and had a pretty cool music that starred that Ty guy who was hot back in the early 2000s with the home makeover shows. The video is probably my favorite of hers.


In late 2002, Cyndi wrote a letter to her label and to fans explaining that basically, the career was all too much. She had gotten married earlier that year and since then, has had no real major release. She released an EP in 2009 that was pretty damn amazing.

Cyndi, since she first came out, has always been one of my biggest inspirations along with Rhett Akins (yes, Thomas Rhett’s dad). They got out of South Georgia and showed me I could, too. I’m proud to say Cyndi and I are friends on Facebook now.

Sometimes I’ll go back and listen to her album, “My World,” because like Cyndi, I can relate to it all too well.

Take a listen to it below.

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