6 songs @BackstreetBoys and @FLaGaLine should perform on CMT Crossroads

by | Jul 26, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Country Music, Music, Top Lists | 0 comments

To say that the Backstreet Boys being a part of CMT Crossroads is a dream come true is an understatement. I have wanted this since the very first episode that CMT did. 

However, back then, I wanted the boys to perform with Rascal Flatts. This is before Florida Georgia Line came along.

So when it was announced this week that the Backstreet Boys and Florida Georgia Line would be doing an episode of CMT Crossroads, my brain began flying with ideas. What songs would they perform? Who would sing which parts?


Yes, my mind was blown.

My all-time favorite group and my favorite country duo the last few years, I mean, can you get any better? I mean, hey, I grew up on the Florida Georgia Line in Valdosta. It’s PERFECT!

So I sat down and started thinking about which songs I wanted them to sing and I broke it down to six. I’m sure they will sing a few more, but if you don’t know how CMT Crossroads works – they perform songs from each artists, but the other artists sings parts of them. So the Backstreet Boys could sing “Quit Playing Games With My Heart” and instead of Nick taking the second verse, BK or Tyler would take over the verse and so-forth.

Here are six songs that I think the Backstreet Boys and Florida Georgia Line should consider performing during their CMT Crossroads episode.

1. “This Is How We Roll”

Can you imagine the moves Kevin Richardson will bust out performing this? And AJ’s voice on the chorus? Or Brian singing Luke Bryan’s part? Yeeeees.

2. “Incomplete”

Just imagine Tyler’s voice singing Nick’s “Incompleeeeeeeeeeeeeeete” part.

3. “Stay”

This is probably my favorite Florida Georgia Line song, besides “Cruise” and the duet with the boys. It’s a cover of a rock ballad, but can you imagine the boys singing this? I can. I can all too well.

4. More Than That

“More Than That” has a little twang to it. It’s not too much, but it’s enough that I would be interested in hearing Tyler sing Brian’s part of the song and I bet it would sound amazing.

5. H.O.L.Y.

It’s a ballad and it’s a power ballad. Can you imagine the boys performing this with FGL? AJ singing “I’m high on loving you….” Yes please.

6.  The One

I feel like this would just be a fun song for the two groups to sing together. I mean, FGL has “Cruise,” which you KNOW they will perform. Plus, to get away from all the ballads, this could be a fun addition.

Backstreet Boys and Florida Georgia Line – CMT Crossroads will premiere on CMT on Aug. 1. The special films next week in Nashville.

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