Man Crush Monday: @Brian_Littrell is such a darlin’

by | Jan 30, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Brian Littrell, Man Crush Monday | 0 comments

On the 2016 Backstreet Boys cruise in Europe, Brian Littrell took us all by surprise when he chose to sing the oldie, but goodie, “Darlin'” as his solo song. 

To say the least, he knocked it out of the park.

With his vocal troubles well known at that point since they were discussed in the documentary, the entire audience (at least in the late-dining concert group) stood up and gave him a standing ovation. He cried a little. Leighanne, who was sitting up in the crowd, cried a little.

It was a-mazing.

Check out Hannah’s video of the performance below to show you why B-roksta Brian is our Man Crush Monday this week.

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