So, the @BackstreetBoys were on ‘The Bachelor’ …

by | Jan 17, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Pop Music, Television | 0 comments

If you’re a Backstreet Boys fan, you already knew that the Backstreet Boys were going to be on ABC’s “The Bachelor” at some point this season. However, to typical people who don’t follow the boys every move (what kind of person doesn’t?), it was news to them.

While I don’t care about the current bachelor Nick V., it was good to see the boys on television and the media and news outlets talking about them.

Plus, it was hella good promotion for the Vegas residency, which Nick quoted so perfectly to the girls there as if they were going to go buy tickets themselves.

“I grew up with the Backstreet Boys,” one girl said.

Sister, if you had, you could do the “Everybody” dance with your eyes closed.

I had to cover this show for work at my old job a few seasons ago when Nick V. was head to head with Josh Murray, who lived in the town I lived in at the time and his brother was the former UGA quarterback. I’ve never really liked the guy. But at least he was a good sport with the guys and quickly reminded the girls that they were all married.

Good Vegas promotion boys!


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