Review: ‘Chasing Cameron’ is…. er, interesting?

by | Jan 3, 2017 | Backstreet Boys, Television | 0 comments

So over the weekend before I got really sick, I started watching a new documentary-type show on Netflix called “Chasing Cameron.” I started watching it at first because I thought it was fictional, except that it wasn’t fictional at all.

It’s about a guy who became famous online through social media and now makes a living out of it. His name is Cameron Dallas and apparently he’s a big deal to tweens around the globe along with his friends Aaron Carpenter (who I swore it said Aaron Carter on the opening credits) and some guy who is kind of a douchebag named Taylor.

The biggest takeaway from this? People really can become famous now with no real talent. Thanks Kim Kardashian.

I mean, these guys have girls screaming after them as if they are One Direction or the Backstreet Boys. Sure, some of them can sing a few songs, but really, all they are doing at these events, or MAGCON as they call it, are meeting fans and jumping around on stage. And some of them act as if it’s tiring?

Yeah, I can imagine meeting 400 fans a day at an event can be tiring, but think about the artists who are meeting those fans and then performing a two hour show with dancing and more?

While the show was cute and a little entertaining, there were a few takeaways from it.

1. Cameron Dallas has a good sense for business, but he needs to surround himself with people who have his best intentions. Dump that Bart guy. He’s a Lou Pearlman in the making.

2. Taylor, wake up to reality. If it weren’t for the internet, you would still be living in that trailer. Be thankful for what you have.

3. All of these kids need a back up plan because teenage girls grow up and get tired of things easily. That 15 minutes won’t last forever. Just because it did for Kim K., doesn’t mean it will for you.

The only real thing I learned from this is that anybody can make money online, so I need to figure out how to do it.

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