Random thoughts from a Walker Stalker first-timer

by | Nov 3, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Rambling, Television, Thoughts | 0 comments

This year was my first time attending Walker Stalker in Atlanta. Granted, I’ve wanted to go before, but never wanted to go alone. Then my favorite Backstreet Boy said he was going to be there and all my friends signed up to go.

Then the day before he was supposed to be there, he canceled and let’s just say that put a damper on the weekend.

But being a Walker Stalker newbie, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I didn’t realize that if you didn’t have VIP, you were basically a peasant and had to wait hours upon hours for a picture or autograph.

The fact that VIPs can just walk up and go in front of general admission is kind of messed up. I understand the difference, trust me. I always do VIP at Backstreet Boys events, but separate the two. If someone in general admission has been waiting four hours, someone with VIP who just walks up and gets in front of them is pretty damn messed up.

Have a separate line for VIP and when that time is over, cut it off until after some of the general admission is over. I mean, is that so hard? I get if it were the platinum, you know, the ones who sold their first born for that pass. That’s one thing, but there were as many VIPs as there were general admission.

But one good thing about the meet and greets? While I only met one at the booths which was Austin Nichols from “One Tree Hill” and “The Walking Dead,” he took time talking with people. Michael Cudlitz (Abraham), did the same, which is why the line moved so slow. And I think that’s freaking amazing. Austin was so nice.


He talked to Lacy, Jen and I as if we were just chillin’ in a parking lot or something. I would have liked to have those moments with Michael Cudlitz or Josh McDermott, but, with my health, I just couldn’t stand there for hours and hours and hours. I wasn’t going to make my friends who were there who didn’t like the show to do that either. It’s insane.

But Barb and I did finally meet Michael and Josh.


And because Nick canceled, we went together and bought a Jeffrey Dean Morgan meet and great.


While I had tickets for the entire weekend, I only went Friday and Saturday and instead spent the day in Atlanta with Mara and Jen. Barb went back Sunday, but I was pretty much over it. I would love to do a Walker Stalker again, but maybe not as general admission. I probably should have went to the disabilities thing to talk to them before hand, but I didn’t know what to expect.

And deep down, I’m sad that I didn’t get to see Nick. I understand that something came up, but with everything with my Mom this summer, that Nick hug was something I was looking forward to. I wanted to show him my tattoo. The boys have always been what’s kept me sane and while I had the majority of my closest friends with me, I really missed not having Nick there. Hell, even got reminded that people hate me when I tried to say hi to another fan and they were rude. So much for being nice, huh?

But, having been a BSB fan for 18 years, this is the first time anything has ever been canceled on me. I consider myself lucky in that aspect. It just hurts a little.

But my friends made it better. Besides, if you don’t have friends, what the hell do you have?

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