Karah’s Fangirling Roundup for Monday, Oct. 10, 2016

by | Oct 10, 2016 | Backstreet Boys | 0 comments


To be honest, this has been kind of a quiet week for any time of fangirling. It’s been pretty quiet except for the crapstorm of political issues going around with this election that’s coming up.

I mean, really, it’s turned into a reality show.

But I will not talk about politics on here. It’s about fangirling – all things that make us smile or giggle or gives us passion about something.

But, I have to post this one thing. My cousin sent it to me. My cousin is for Trump and we disagree politics-wise, but this was hilarious and needed to be shared more.



You just can’t get much better than that. I mean, watching it, I was ready for them to start dancing.


The second part of “The Ranch” came out on Netflix on Friday. The show, which features Ashton Kutcher and his “That ’70s Show” BFF Danny Masterson (and Sam Elliott!!!), is one of my favorites and I feel like it gets the short end of the stick.

I love seeing Ashton as a country boy, drunk on a tractor singing “She Thinks My Tractor’s Sexy.”

The second part of the season was just as good as the first part. To be honest, it might even be better!



I have two new posts up on BackstreetBoys.com. The first is the Soldier of the Month for October 2016 and the next is a BSB Army Spotlight on the fandom’s ‘Permanent Stains,’ which is basically tattoos.

If you’re not a fan club member… go join. Seriously.


Beginning this week, I’ll be working six days a week for a while, except for the weekend of Walker Stalker which is just over two weeks ago. Two weeks away until I see all of my girls (well, except Hannah *pouts*) and Nick.

Be prepared for a  lot of goodies from Walker Stalker.

Until next Monday…. #ImWithHer

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