Theme outfit tips for the 2016 @BackstreetBoys cruise

by | Apr 3, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, BSBCruiseNews, Cruise, Opinion | 1 comment

cruiseNow that we are just a month and a few days from stepping foot on that luxury ship in the Mediterranean for the 2016 Backstreet Boys cruise, we know our four nightly cruise themes – Casino Royale, A Night At The Movies, 50 Shades of BSB Leather and Lace and In A World Like This night.

Having been on two cruises myself, I have gotten pretty good at coming up with ideas. However, this is the first cruise for a lot of fans who have never had the opportunity to go on the cruise for due to location.

I am going to break down suggested tips from myself and other fans who have gone on cruises for each of the four theme nights on the upcoming fifth Backstreet Boys cruise.


Just because you have a favorite movie character, doesn’t mean you have to pick that one. For example, my favorite movie is “Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back.” As much as my friend Barbara from Italy and I would love to dress up as our favorite characters, it’s not realistic. They wear coats and hoodies and we’re going on to be on a cruise where it will be warm.

Look at other movies that you enjoy and think about the characters in them. There are plenty of amazing characters to dress up as that some people may not even think about.

Stay away from cliches. There are probably going to be about 100 Disney Princesses on the boat. Or at least make the character your own. Goth Pocahontas! Olga Aguayo, who has already been on three cruises, said it best: “Dress up as a unique character. ..not something simple. You want to be remembered as the most creativity … you never know..there might be a contest.”

Three isn’t a crowd – or is it? There are so many movies that have three or four main characters in it. Maybe you and your roommates on the cruise can dress up as the cast of a movie. You could be Cher, Dionne and Tai from “Clueless” or the three witches from “Hocus Pocus.”

To save money (because hey, this trip is costing us all an arm, leg and possibly a kidney), look in your closet and see if you have anything that slightly fits what one of your favorite characters from a movie you love would wear. The only thing I have had to buy for my movie night theme costume is a wig!


Sports jerseys are probably the easiest thing to represent where you are from. I live in Atlanta and I’m going to wear an Atlanta Braves jersey most likely.

Get creative… we are in Europe after all and maybe you just want to represent your country. Dress like the Eiffel Tower or an Eskimo if you’re from Alaska or go all Hawaiian if you’re from Hawaii.

Make an outfit out of something that looks like a flag (maybe not your actual flag because that might be disrespectful.)

Back to the sports jerseys, unless you’re from Kentucky or Tampa, don’t wear the boys’ favorite teams. This is about representing where YOU are from.


This isn’t prom night… there’s no need for prom dresses. This is something out of a James Bond movie. In fact, “Casino Royale” is a Bond movie. Sexy and stylish is the attire. And classy. Always classy.

There are no t-shirts and jeans for this one, although do remember that you’re going to be standing for hours probably at the deck party. If you want to wear fancy, high heels, make sure you’re very comfortable in them.

Jewelry. Diamonds. Fur. Anything sparkly!

If you’re not a girly girl and aren’t into dresses, try dressing up in a suit. Lots of females are doing that now instead of getting dolled up in a dress. For instance, at her mother’s recent 60th birthday party that had a ‘Great Gatsby’ theme, Kourtney Kardashian rocked a suit herself.


Keep it classy because you are out in public and photos are being taken all around. But as Stacey Hewey, who will be attending her third Backstreet Boys cruise in May said, don’t judge people for wearing too little or too much. The cruise is about having fun.

Leather and lace doesn’t necessarily mean you have to show up in your bra and panties (or whatever else it is for guys to wear). There are so many outfits that could be worn for this theme and yes, even some of them can show skin.

Handcuffs are not allowed on the cruise. Don’t ask, I had a toy set in 2011 and they were confiscated.

Remember that “50 Shades of Grey” is about being dominant and submissive. Show your dominant side with some leather and lace. Or maybe pleather. It might be cooler considering the temperatures.

Other cruise theme tips:

“Make the most of your theme night costume from the waist up,” Stacey also said. “That’s mostly what the boys will see from the stage and what will appear in your selfies, and then wear comfortable shoes. Think Maleficent in Nikes or Princess Leia in flats.” Such good advice.

“Be careful of anything with spikes, swords, feathers, ornate masks,” Stacey also said. “Not only could anything protruding hurt others, but in a crowd when arms fly in the air when the boys come out, these things can and will injure YOU.”

Remember that anything you decide to wear, it has to be packable. Most flights to other countries limit luggage so you should make sure you don’t have anything too big. Or do you really want to pay an extra $100 to fly that Chewbacca outfit to Barcelona and back home?

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