Guest Blogger: @NickCarter was All American in Nashville!

by | Mar 31, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Concert Reviewer, Guest Blogger, Lacy, Music, Nick Carter, Opinion, Thoughts | 0 comments

10391875_10208465138573245_8084508735796349432_nFive days later – I am still living on a constant high from Nick Carter’s ‘All American’ show in Nashville, TN. The City Winery provided a perfect atmosphere for this unforgettable night! They also provided the liquid courage to dance all night. Unfortunately for me, most of those moments are now on YouTube. In all seriousness, it was the best I’ve seen Nick as a solo artist. He sang, he danced, he made us smile, and even shook his All American boot-ay in my face several times! The icing on the cake of this fantastic evening was looking down the front row and seeing Florida and Georgia representing in a huge way! Like myself, my girls traveled hours to be there – Atlanta, Chicago, and even Tampa! It was the perfect excuse to get out of town and spend some quality time with these amazing friends (and meet some new ones!)

** Warning: Nick Carter’s All American boot-ay in action below. **

Quick background: Nick challenged fans via Twitter to petition cities to be added to the tour schedule. Atlanta and Pittsburgh (I believe) was very successful in collecting signatures of fans. Unfortunately, those dates were not added.

During my Meet & Greet with Nick, I walked up to him and said, “We got over 200 signatures!” Nick’s reply, “Awe! You drove up from Atlanta though, right? I know and I am so sorry!” He is saying all of this while holding my hands. Hold the phone. Fangirl down. Then during our short convo he hugged me THREE TIMES! He even stopped me when I was walking away to apologize again for the Atlanta petition. If you’ve ever experienced a Nick Carter hug, you can imagine the permanent grin I sported for the rest of the night after three of them!

There are thousands of photos and videos posted to the net from the tour, like Karah I will not review each song. Most of my personal videos are now uploaded to YouTube. Still undecided of what moment during the show was my favorite – the booty shaking, Nick giving me his guitar pick, or singing a quick portion ‘Tijuana’ with him. My favorite performance of the night was ‘Falling Down’. The emotion and vocals of that performance were everything!

THANK YOU to Nick for more amazing memories! Hope to see you soon in Atlanta while on tour with the Backstreet Boys! *ahem*


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