Guest Blogger (@BSBCruiseNews): Are you sure you’re ready for the 2016 @BackstreetBoys cruise?

by | Mar 14, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, BSBCruiseNews, Cruise, Guest Blogger | 0 comments

original.5867db365e4382de2e61cd5a04830b425c2c9be7Less than two months away?! Seriously?!

It’s that time of year cruisers! So close you can feel the excitement! Whether this is your first Backstreet Boys cruise or your first cruise ever or maybe your 4th cruise and first time out of the country you may be feeling a bit anxious but we are here to help! This is going to be the best time of your life.

Don’t lose sight of that even if the little stresses get in the way.

First things first, the number one most important thing to have or to get absolutely as soon as possible is: YOUR PASSPORT! (Ok so this the one you CAN and should stress about if you don’t have it.) Without it you will not be boarding the ship. On previous cruises in the states if you were from the US you could get by with a birth certificate but even if you are from Spain you will need a passport to get on the ship so make sure you have it and know exactly where it is! We recommend making a copy of it as well. In case, in an unforeseen event your passport is lost or stolen it will help at the embassy to have a copy. (Keep it in a separate place!)

Next: Your flights to Barcelona. It is not always possible but as Rose Tours recommends try to arrive on May 9th so you do not risk missing the ship due to flight delays.

Arriving at the Port: You can take a taxi or shuttle but be aware you may have to walk down the pier with your luggage depending on the type of transport you choose so ask the driver or company so you won’t be surprised if there is a hike ahead of you.

Expect to wait in line at check in. There are going to be lots of excited fans from many different countries in the terminal. Use your wait time to get to know some of your fellow cruisers. You may start a friendship before you get on board for your first drink!

It is a good idea to wear the clothes you plan to have on for the Sail Away on when you board. Your luggage may not make it to your room as fast as you hope or expect.

Pack LIGHT! We can’t stress this enough. Airline fees are hefty and you want plenty of room to bring home all of your BSB souvenirs!

What will be undoubtedly cool on this cruise is the free time to explore the European ports. You won’t have to worry about missing any BSB events because this is already blocked out for free exploration time! Enjoy it! The ports are beautiful!

I know you are wondering where your itinerary is. Have no fear. These are usually sent out by Rose Tours between 2 and 4 weeks prior to departure. Once received you can add excursions and print boarding passes from Royal Caribbean.

If you are a Backstreet Boys Fan Club Member you should checkout the Forums. Another cool way to meet other cruisers and discuss things like decks and room location as well as dining plans or arranging pre-cruise meetups! If you take a look at the Confirmation Numbers post you can get an idea of the range of numbers this year and view pics from past cruises on the Media pages.

Remember to bring European outlet adapters if you will have any electronics with you. You will want your phones charged to get all the pics and videos you will definitely want to capture.

Are you loving the themes this year or what? Should be extremely eventful! Here is another tip. We all want to take lots of pics of the Boys but don’t forget to take them of yourselves as well. You will want to remember everything including the great theme costumes you come up with.

WiFi: Maybe you’ll have it, maybe you won’t. It’s always extremely expensive on a ship and if you do get it, you get questionable service generally speaking. You won’t want to pay those international roaming fees either so use the time to bond with your fellow cruisers and the Boys then connect for all the exciting updates and share your pics and videos after your dream vacation is over. That’s gonna be a fun time in itself!

If you haven’t booked your pre-cruise hotel yet, the Official BSB Cruise hotel is sold out but there are lots of other options in the city. Contact us if you need suggestions for sites to search.

This is YOUR vacation so we won’t tell you too much how to spend it, but, camping out all day for a deck party at 11 p.m. and missing out on exploring a beautiful city may sound fine but could bring regret later. That’s all we have to say about that.

We will be Periscoping once our journey begins and keeping everyone informed with all the excitement prior to the cruise officially setting sail.

We are uber excited for this adventure! We hope you all are too! We hope this has been helpful and we will write one more of these once the finalizing begins. (If @_BoysontheBlock will have us that is.) See you on board soon! 😉
@BSBCruiseNews Team

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