Videos: A look back at @NickCarter’s ‘Now Or Never’ tour

by | Feb 28, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Exclusives, Featured, Nick Carter, Pop Music, Videos | 0 comments

nickcarter1For some people, like myself, Nick Carter’s “Now or Never” tour was just a part of growing up and coming into your own. I was 22-23 at the time (the same as Nick) and saw way too many shows.

Thankfully a lot of those shows I have on video, either by myself, or by other fans who sent them to me.

That tour changed my life… and made me a legit real fangirl and introduced me to what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.

From his first show at Guavaween in Tampa, Florida (his hometown) to the Christmas shows in Florida, Ohio, New York and more, and then the actual tour where he traveled across the United States with dozens of shows in the south… Nick was living his rock star dream.

Check out the videos below of some of his “Now or Never” shows and be sure to check out his All-American tour NOW.

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