5 songs each @BackstreetBoys member should perform on “Lip Sync Battle”

by | Feb 19, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Music, Pop Music, Television, Top Lists | 0 comments

gallery-1450263366-gigi-hadid-lip-syncOn this coming Thursday’s episode of Spike TV’s “Lip Sync Battle,” model and Taylor squad member Gigi Hadid will bring out two very familiar guys – Nick Carter and AJ McLean as she performs “Larger Than Life.”

Gigi is a Backstreet Girl… and invited the guys to come perform with her.

And we literally cannot wait.

But what if the guys themselves were contestants?

Here are five songs we would like to see each guy perform on the show.

AJ McLean

Brian Littrell

Kevin Richardson

Howie Dorough

Nick Carter


What songs would you like to see Nick, Kevin, AJ, Brian, and Howie lip sync to? Let us know!


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