Guest Blogger: Let’s talk @NickCarter ‘s new album All American

by | Feb 18, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Guest Blogger, Lacy, Music, Nick Carter, Opinion, Pop Music | 4 comments

Like many of you reading this now, I’ve been accused of loving almost every project that Nick Carter is part of because… well… I heart Nick Carter.  Here is my unfiltered track by track review of his new album. Let’s talk – All American!


Spoiler: All American is Nick Carter’s best solo album to date! Before you roll your eyes, I would like to invite you to listen to the album. Nick’s growth as an artist is undeniable. (Although, he’s always been pretty damn amazing to me.) Now go to iTunes/Google Play, click buy, and you’re welcome!



The album starts out with an upbeat track that will transport you back to a much simpler time knows as the 90’s – 19 in 99. My husband has been singing the chorus for over a week now. (Hi, honey!) The music video is equally amazing as we see Nick in a role that is brand new to us – Dad! While watching, keep your eyes open for the hottie delivery boy who is welcome to come peeping through my windows any day of the week. Which leads us perfectly into the next track…

Avril Lavigne duets with Nick on the instant fan favorite, Get Over Me. Twitter below up when it was released, gaining the attention and air time of a few radio stations. Get Over Me is the musical middle finger to that guy/girl who never quite got the hint. You know, the one you were cool with on the first date but named your future kids by the second date.

California, Second Wind, and Tijuana make me want to sail away, casting all of my cares to the wind. These three tracks are the perfect recipe for a great summer anthem! Pass me a cold one.

My favorite song on the album is Swet. It’s a hot track that oozes the sexy factor! Did I mention that it’s my favorite song and it’s hella sexy? Let’s just leave it at the title of this song is very appropriate. Side note: For those of you attending the concert in Nashville, I cannot be held accountable for what my face does if he performs this song.

Cherry Pie is no exception to the above. So, maybe I have two favorite songs. The stuff fangirl dreams are made of, ya’ll.

The title track, All American, is an ode to the bootylicious beauties! You know who you are (or in my case – aren’t). I’m most looking forward to the fan reaction to this song live. Werk it!

The melody of Man on the Moon will instantly captivate you. It’s one of the softer songs of the album and proof that Nick’s vocal ability spans through many genres of music. Several of my Nick-adoring friends have deemed Man on the Moon their favorite song of the album. When listening to the album in track order it’s almost an unexpected sound but it works amazingly!

Horoscope possesses every component of a great pop song. It makes you sing out loud – even if you have the vocal ability of a sneaker – my sincerest apologies to my coworkers. You will sing, you will sway, and you will hit the repeat button! (Dear Nick, please sing on tour. Love, Lacy)

I Will Wait was our first taste of All American. It’s an old school love song accompanied by the purest of vocals. This song is uniquely special to me being that it’s the same style of love song that made me a Backstreet Boys fan. Warning: only watch the music video if you are wearing waterproof mascara.


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