When you work full time, the fangirl struggle is real

by | Jan 30, 2016 | Backstreet Boys, Boy Bands, Television | 1 comment


Scenario: Your favorite group is going to be on television tonight at 8 p.m. and you get off at 8:30 p.m. (or you are supposed to, anyway). You come into work a few minutes early and work your butt off in hopes that you can get home before 8 p.m. but alas, your adult responsibilities take over because unlike some people, you have a job and you miss the first big television appearance of the year.

That scenario happened to me tonight. I missed Backstreet Boys on “Undateable.” 

And it’s okay, because it’s just a show, but it was so good to see the boys on television and in a good light. I appreciate the people behind the show bringing the boys on and even Nick poking fun at his recent arrest.

“You’re the dangerous one….. don’t hit me…”

But it sucks that I had to miss it and I couldn’t be online with friends watching it. I had to watch it on my DVR two hours later and that’s okay. I could fast forward through the commercials and such.

I mean, that’s important right?

A photo posted by Chris D’Elia (@chrisdelia) on


Being an adult fangirl really sucks. But, alas, that job that kept me from seeing the television appearance is helping me afford to go on a European cruise with the Backstreet Boys. It allows me to go to concerts. I know that deep down I can’t sit online 24/7, looking at boy band news, constantly tweeting or doing any of that and I’m okay with that. Trust me, at one point in my life, that was me and looking back on it, I’m glad I’m not that way anymore. I can still represent the boys, promote them.

Did anybody else miss the boys on “Undateable” because of work?

101 days until the cruise. 101 days. I can make it.

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