New BOTB Project: Backstreet Boys Fangirl Diary

by | Nov 12, 2015 | Site News, Stupidity, Thoughts | 0 comments

Being inspired by the documentary “I Used To Be Normal” that we have mentioned and constantly tweet for everybody to donate, I came up with the idea of showing the day to day life of a Backstreet Boys fangirl, but on Instagram. In little 15 minute clips.

Thus we have our new Instagram account, BSBFanGirlDiary.

Here you will find myself and my video partner-in-crime Aussie Ezra May posting random things that we are thinking or fangirling about when it comes to Backstreet Boys. We will continue to do our Backstreet Boys video analysis (and have the “Black & Blue” one coming up soon!), but this is just something new.

I’m feeling slightly guilty lately for being so busy that I’m not able to come up with original content that’s not videos or opinion pieces. It’s life. It’s the life of a BSB fangirl.

Check out the clip below of the first video I took for the project last night, in my closet. (LOL!) I realized after I posted it, I look like I’m naked, but I have a camo tank top on #BSBArmy.


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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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