WATCH: As Canadian journalist @Jessi fangirls over @NickCarter

by | Oct 29, 2015 | Television, Videos | 0 comments

In this exclusive E-Talk interview, Jessi shares her own tails of being a Carter & BSB fan, while asking Carter when he is going to perform shirtless on “Dancing with the Stars”.

Check out the video below:,ctvgmtvectvglobalsuite&section=ctvshows&site=ctvshows&shareUrl=&v7=etalk&v8=video&v9=&v10=


I like to go on the record and say, Jessi is exactly the type of entertainment journalist I would be. #Fangirls4Life

Don’t forget to catch Nick and Sharna each Monday night on “Dancing with the Stars”. And make sure you are voting for #TeamSharNick

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