5 reasons you need to vote for @NickCarter and @SharnaBurgess each week

by | Oct 26, 2015 | Top Lists | 1 comment

Some people think that voting doesn’t matter and maybe in some cases, it doesn’t. Sometimes we can’t help but think about the fact that reality competitions are rigged.

Regardless, here are five reasons why you should continue to vote for Nick Carter and Sharna Burgess:

1. We want to continue to see Nick Carter make these faces each week:

2. We can continue to see Nick Carter’s booty on television each week.

3. We get to see Nick Carter involved in so much passion. Sorry, but we didn’t get to see this in his little red comic book room in “I’ll Never Break Your Heart.”


4. We get to see Nick live out probably one of his sickest and twisted fantasies before our very eyes. You know he had been planning this in his head for years.


5. Because just having him on our TV once a week brings back the fuzzies of “I Heart Nick Carter” and gives us something to look forward to during this dry spell between albums. 


So everybody, go vote for Nick and Sharna!!


Animations courtesy of @nickcarter on Tumblr. Go follow them!

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