Thoughts: It feels good to be surprised as a @BackstreetBoys fan

by | Oct 22, 2015 | Opinion, Thoughts | 0 comments

Being sick the past few days, news of the Backstreet Boys’ surprise performance at a New York fashion show Tuesday night was in fact… a real surprise. According to friends, they heard whispers shortly before it happened and saw clips on periscope, but it was nothing that was advertised or really talked about before hand.

The boys have called us the CIA or FBI because Backstreet Boys fans can find out ANYTHING and EVERYTHING.

So for the boys to pull off a big surprise even though we knew they were in New York is pretty amazing.

And as one of the Backstreet Boys fans who is pretty good at snooping around and finding out things, it was refreshing to wake up from a migraine coma to see new photos and new videos from something that I had no idea was happening. It kind of takes me back to the days before the internet and message boards were something big in the fandom. You know, when we were surprised by an appearance on MTV’s TRL or on “Oprah.”

It was really, really refreshing. Don’t get me wrong, I like to be prepared especially when it’s TV related because as someone who works 40-plus hours a week, I like to record things I’m not able to see, but it’s nice to be surprised.

It felt good because not only did the press see that people other than the “BSB Army” can go crazy for the boys, but that they still have it. The press today was amazing and while some made that little mistake of saying they reunited, the boys, I feel, are at the forefront of a new boy band revolution. Nostalgia is huge right now and between Nick being on “Dancing with the Stars,” his movie with all of the former boy banders and now H&M inviting the Backstreet Boys (along with Old Navy two years ago)  now is their time again.

So Backstreet Boys, you may continue to surprise us. I for one, liked it. As Backstreet Boys fans, we do not need to know every single detail. As long as they know we have their back, that’s all that matters.

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