Today In @BackstreetBoys History: We’ve Got It Goin’ On turns 20!

by | Sep 5, 2015 | History, Videos | 2 comments

On September 5th of 1995, Backstreet Boys released their debut single “We’ve Got It (Goin’ On)”. Written by Max Martin and the late Denniz Pop, “We’ve Got It (Goin’ On)” only made #69 on the U.S. charts. Once the single was released overseas, it topped the charts and was the beginning of their success in Europe.

“Yeah we’re huge in Europe .. Really!” – Kevin Richardson (Show ‘Em What Your Made Of Documentary)

We’ve all seen the video, but while we’re reminiscing, let’s take a look back at a behind the scenes look of the Boys’ very first!

August 19th, 1995 in Orlando, Florida.

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