Hey guys!
Just wanted to give you guys a quick update on everything that’s been happening. Site updates have become slower the past two or three weeks and for good reason. I moved to Marietta, Georgia and started a new job. In the midst of moving, my Mom ended up in the hospital and I’m working a new schedule so I’m slowly adjusting to it. Plus I’ve been under the weather also.
We have a new member of the staff coming on soon and more awesome things coming!
A few things:
1. If you want to be included in our next BSB Video Analysis, email a video talking about your favorite “Black & Blue” video or email your thoughts to Ezra May at [email protected].
2. I’m making a video about BSB memorabilia or weird crap you might own, email me photos or video to [email protected] or you can Instagram it and then email me the links 🙂
Also, Stephanie is always looking for Fans of the Moment so tweet her at @steph_ktbspa!
Thanks everybody!!