6 times @JustinBieber has tried to be like @NickCarter

by | Jul 27, 2015 | Top Lists | 14 comments


Now, before you say anything, let’s think this through. First off, most would say he’s tried to be like Aaron Carter, not the older brother, but you’re all wrong. Sure, for about five minutes back 2010 he tried to be like AC.

But over the past few years, he has followed a very similar path as Nick.

Here’s six times Justin Bieber has tried to be like Nick Carter. (And no, Nick Carter has never had his monkey taken from him in Germany… that we know of.)

1. Girlfriends

Singers, models, socialites – both Justin and Nick have dated their fair share of famous girls in the past. Justin most recently been linked with Hailee Baldwin. Nick dated she whose name will not be spoken.


2. “As Long As You Love Me.”

In 2013, Justin released the second single from his album “Believe” and it had the same title as one of the Backstreet Boys’ biggest songs, “As Long As You Love Me.” Coincidence? I think not. Of course, BSB’s video is a little more happy go lucky than Justin’s.

3. Ghetto Fab

Both Justin and Nick have gone through their ghetto fab phase where they tried to act more thug than they were. It didn’t work out for either one of them.

Speaking of which…



4. Jailhouse Rock

Both Justin and Nick have had their run ins with the law (and in Florida no less)… and both ended up with very Rico Suave mugshots. Justin’s is very smiley, while Nick is giving a sultry look. Regardless, neither can take a bad picture.


5. Never

Nick’s first solo CD was called “Now or Never.” Justin’s third album was called “Never Say Never.” Coincidence? I think not.


6. Hair

Justin was photographed with model/actress Ruby Rose (his female look-a-like) this past weekend sporting a new hairstyle – the blonde Nick Carter part. Sure, MTV said it was very 2000 Nick Carter, but anybody with common sense would know that it’s very 1996 Nick Carter.


And 1996 Nick Carter was very popular in Canada. Justin was 2 years old.

Come on! You know the little dude grew up a Backstreet Boys fan up in Canada! His mother was a teen mother. You know she had posters on her wall.


Note: This post is done in humor…. We beliebe!

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