Boys on the Block: The Video Library

by | Jul 25, 2015 | Site News, Unique Collections, Videos | 2 comments


Over the past few weeks, I’ve been burning television appearances and other various things that I have on VHS onto DVD and ripping them to begin a video collection at Boys On The Block. I have a decent collection of a lot of things, but nothing compares to the stuff that our friend Sarah (who I’m actually moving closer to next weekend!) has and gave me on a recent trip to her town.

AMAZINGLY old stuff.

During this transitional period for me of starting another new job, moving and just semi finding myself again… I’m going through the VHS tapes and starting a collection. Most of it is Backstreet Boys. I have a lot of Nick Carter solo stuff. There’s also some solo Jordan Knight and Joey McIntyre stuff and some BBMak stuff.

The playlist below is just a small bit. Some things have been online for a while under my personal account. For now, I’m uploading most things to the BOTB account. Right now there’s over a 100 videos. But trust me, there’s so much more. Some have already been posted here or on Facebook. Some I just made public for the first time having uploaded them a few weeks ago.

If you have any VHS tapes you would like to donate, let me know on Twitter @Princess_Karah. I will send them back to you along with a copy of everything on it on DVD and maybe other goodies 🙂

Check out the embedded playlist below or click here to go to the YouTube page.

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We are a group of women who love and support the Backstreet Boys. We are professionals in various aspects of business with backgrounds in marketing, journalism, writing, and psychology. 


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