Video: Need some @BackstreetBoys cruise booking inspiration?

by | Jul 19, 2015 | Cruise, Cruise Reviews, Videos | 0 comments

I’m sure there are many of you out there that are on the fence about booking the 2016 Backstreet Boys in Europe. I was in the same position until my former cruise roomie gave me the rundown and I just went with it.

It’s not cheap, especially for those flying overseas for the cruise. But, as Mara put it to me, it’s a once in a lifetime thing. Neither of us have been to Europe but have always wanted to go. What better way than with our favorite boys and friends?

While looking online, I found this pretty awesome documentary of the last cruise that was put together by a fan named Samantha. If this video doesn’t give you inspiration to book after sitting and contemplating your budget, then I don’t know what will.  There’s only a few rooms left on the boat, so get yours today at

It’s over an hour long and Samantha was in the “early dining” group (A). Grab some popcorn and sit back and watch. And several BOTB girls make appearances!

Note: Video can not be embeded, so either click the video below for a link or click here. 🙂

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