Solo Sunday: @NickCarter’s first solo show at Guavaween (Video)

by | Jul 5, 2015 | Videos | 0 comments

Nick performs during "Blow Your Mind" at Guavaween. (Photo is tagged with a former website that I used to own years ago).

Nick performs during “Blow Your Mind” at Guavaween. (Photo is tagged with a former website that I used to own years ago). (Photo credit: Karah/BOTB)

I was one of the lucky fans who was able to experience Nick Carter’s first solo concert, which took place in October 2002, the Saturday before his album was released. It was at yearly Tampa event called Guavaween that takes place in Ybor City and Nick was the headliner.

Nick came out in an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs to poke fun of his arrest there that previous January and quickly jumped out of it. I stood there for eight hours on that warm October day to have a front row spot for my favorite Backstreet Boy’s official first show as a solo artist.

Today, we have two videos from the event to share. One was taken by a spectator and I received as a bootleg during the years. The other, my mother shot it from a restaurant. Neither obviously are good camera people, but my mother’s is a bit more steady. Plus, you have to remember that technology has come SO far over the years.

As I sat and watched these performances this weekend, burning them to DVD, I saw how much Nick has grown as a solo performer and just as a performer in general.

So take this trip down memory lane. The first is my personal video that my mother took. The second is the other bootleg. Enjoy 🙂




Solo Sunday is a new section to Boys on the Block that will feature boy band members and their solo work every Sunday. 

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