Meet @NickyToronto and her huge @BackstreetBoys CD collection

by | Jul 3, 2015 | Interviews, Unique Collections | 5 comments


Kevin and Nicky pose on stage during the 2014 Backstreet Boys cruise (left) and she poses with the boys, celebrating Howie’s 40th birthday, in Atlanta in 2013.

Most people know her as @NickyToronto on Twitter, but the Canadian is one of the biggest Backstreet Boys fan and is a total Kevin Richardson girl. If you were on the 2014 cruise, you probably saw her and her friend Jen’s prom queen zombie Halloween costumes or her Kevin Richardson dress for ABC night.

She has been showing and uploading photos of her Backstreet Boys CD collection which, to me, is absolutely amazing. So being that she’s a friend and I think dedicated fans should be showcased in a positive light, I decided to interview Nicky on her CD collection.

First here is a link to the actual Facebook album, with the track listing for each CD –

11214025_10153392562246929_5430849975957167662_n1. How many CD’s do you have in total?

As of July 2nd 2015 – 290. Not including any the duplicates.

2. Which were the hardest to find?

The hardest one to find was definitely the single for “Bigger” by a landslide.

3. Which means the most to you?

The two different Singles for Show Em What you’re made of. (#1, #2)  The reasons are:

  1.  It’s my fave BSB song.
  2. I used to play this song every time I went for treatment in the hospital when I was sick and a friend that was going through radiation gave them to me.
  3. Kevin was nice enough to sign a copy.

4. If you were on a deserted island and you could only take FIVE of them with you? Which ones would they be and why?


  1. IN A WORLD LIKE THIS: It is my fave album and it has two extra tracks.
  2. ORIGINAL ALBUM CLASSICS: This is a total cheat because it’s a box set of 5 albums.
  3. IT’S CHRISTMAS TIME AGAIN: Even if you hear this song in July you crank up the volume because it makes you happy lol
  4. LET’S HAVE A PARTY LIVE: There is nothing better then hearing the Backstreet Boys perform live and this one has Kevin singing “Nobody but You” and “10,000 Promises”.
  5. A NIGHT OUT WITH THE BACKSTREET BOYS: Six tracks of live acoustic BSB and the version of “Let’s have a party” is amazing.

5. Which was the first one you bought?

The first Album i bought was the red Canadian CD. and the first single was the “We’ve Got It Goin’ On” with three tracks.

6. What is it about the CDs that have made you collect them?

It started off first as something I did with other fans. I would buy a copy of the Canadian album or single and trade it for one from their country. I got a lot of my collection as presents from friends. A new BSB CD is always a sure shot for a gift for me so family and friends lean towards that. I love having the extra songs, remixes and the album artwork.

Be sure to follow Nicky on Twitter @NickyToronto.

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