Slideshow: #BSBArmy shares ‘In A World Like This’ tour memories @BackstreetBoys

by | Jun 28, 2015 | Slideshow | 0 comments


Today is the day that will mark Backstreet history. Tonight, Backstreet Boys will be performing the final show of the ‘In A World Like This’ Tour in Monterrey, Mexico…. [enter music “How Do I Say Goodbye” from Boyz II Men]. We, the Backstreet Army, have so many memories of this tour, from VIP Soundcheck parties, to getting a selfie with a Backstreet Boy [during the show] or partying with Nick, Howie, Kevin and AJ at the after parties.

We want to thank the boys for giving us 2 years of the most epic 2 hours of our lives…most of us even traveled to another city/state just to watch it again and again. It was just that good.

You have continued to show us what you are made of and we will continue to be a strong force and stand tall and be Backstreet Army proud.

Below is a slideshow of memories sent in from fans around the world of their favorite “In A World Like This” tour memories.

Note: Use the slideshow like a powerpoint presentation and make it full screen like you would a YouTube video. Use the arrows on each side to go to the next slide.

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