Project: “In A World Like This” Memories

by | Jun 18, 2015 | Personal | 4 comments

On May 25, 2013, Backstreet Boys took the stage of Wukesong Arena in Bejing, China for their first show of their “In A World Like This World Tour”. Now…over 2 years later…this amazing tour is coming to a close on 6/28/15 in Monterrey, Mexico. I’m sure we all remember some of the greatest moments about the boys during this tour…from Howie shaking his ass, to Brian scaring the crap out of us jumping one end of the stage to the end of the catwalk (admit it…you wanted to tell Brian ‘What were you thinking’..LOL). Now how about the memories you have during the tour..this is when you come in.

Send us your favorite memory during the tour. It can be from traveling city to city with your best BSB buddies, to your VIP experience with the boys, to even dancing the night away with Kevin at an after party! We want to thank the boys for one hell of an anniversary tour by sharing our favorite memories with them.

Send us your favorite memory to [email protected] (or fill out the form below) and we’ll post them! But shh…don’t tell them…we are keeping this on the DL (downlow)..until we are ready to post.

Can’t wait to see what great memories everyone has about this tour. Please let us know if you have questions. 🙂

PS..We will also be creating a hashtag the day of the final show so we can begin to share our memories with them! But remember…D.L…;-)


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